Top Charity Grand Auction 2024

This year's fourth edition of this unusual and the only event of this scale in Poland set a new record - 46 million zlotys (~10.7 million euros) raised during one evening! Thus, it became the largest event of its kind in Europe. The creator of this philanthropic project, Omenaa Mensah, along with the foundation she founded, have for years been allocating funds to help the neediest children in Ghana, Poland and Ukraine. The money from the auctions held during Top Charity goes to these very causes. Works of art by prominent artists (this year Igor Mitoraj, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Wojciech Siudmak, or Barbara Falender, among others) are auctioned, as well as Great Emotions - uncommon objects, participation in special events or trips.
Funded this year by Go Elite as part of the Great Emotions, a stay at the Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland was auctioned for 700,000 zlotys (~€163,000).
My emotion is great, happiness and pride probably even greater.
The thrill, which is a three-day stay in my beloved Scottish castle, combined with a game of golf on championship courses and a visit to St. Andrews will be held in the spring of 2025. You are already invited to read coverage of this trip.
Huge congratulations and thanks to Omena Mensah and Rafal Brzoska and their foundations - Omenaa Art Foundation and Rafal Brzoska Foundation. Tributes to Corporate Connections and EY for their support in organizing the event. For me, it was undoubtedly one of the most important and beautiful evenings of 2024... And also a special weekend in the company of big hearts.